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Anacapa Carpet Cleaning Before & After

Our Process

Stains do not return. 
Our process is non-invasive. In fact our machines are no bigger than a house hold vacuum.

HOST Dry Carpet Cleaner removes dirt and reduces allergens.
Research studies have shown that one cleaning with the HOST System using HOST Machines reduces: Dust mites by 78%
Dust Mite Allergen by 75%
Cat Allergen by 85%
Mold Spores by 85%
EPA Establishment Number: 074202-WI-001.

To earn the coveted Green Seal, a product must meet the Green Seal environmental standard for the category as demonstrated by rigorous evaluation, and testing. By identifying, certifying, and promoting environmentally responsible products and services. Green Seal:
Improves the environment by reducing toxic pollution and waste, conserving resources and habitats, and minimizing global warming and ozone depletion
More specifically, HOST Dry Carpet Cleaner has been shown by Green Seal to:
Be nontoxic
Contain readily biodegradable ingredients
Be noncorrosive to skin or eyes
Be non-sensitizing to skin
Contain no ozone-depleting compounds
Contain no intentionally added carcinogens, reproductive toxins or heavy metals
HOST dry extraction carpet cleaners are certified 100% bio-based, and are designated by the USDA BioPreferred(sm) program for Federal preferred purchasing.
HOST makes the only dry carpet cleaners that have received the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) BioPreferred certification (ASTM test method D6866).
License #LIC-3-12-4689

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